European Charity Fund
Welcome on the site of “European Charity Fund”
Imagine: In Europe live more than 515 million people. In 2014 was established that 8,8 % of these people increasingly suffer from serious material deprivation. This means 45 million people (almost as such as all people living in Spain)
In countries like Romania, it’s even worse. More than 40% of the people live in poverty. And we are not referring to luxury, but to basic needs, like housing, food and clothes. Not to speak about basic medical care.
Francesco Russo (Italy) en Jos Gisberts (Netherlands)are both board members of a foundation with the same purpose: helping people in European countries to make their lives a little bit more agreeable.
Francesco en Jos met each other in October 2015 when they both received the price of the European Parliament “ European Citizen of the year 2015’ on behalf of their foundations.When they spoke about the common goals of their foundations they concluded that more people could be helped if they would join forces. That is why on March 13, 2017 the foundation : European Charity Fund was founded.
This foundation wants to support and facilitate charity organizations in European countries in their work. Themes as “food supplies”; “ basic medical care” ; “ education” and “ social inclusion” are key-words, as well as scientific research in these fields.
Francesco Russo is board member of “Instituto di Medicina Solidade” The purpose of this foundation is giving basic medical care and food supplies to the homeless,- poor, and refugees in Rome.Visit: www.medicinasolidale.org and support this organisation.
Jos Gisberts is board member of the foundation “Heart for Romania”. The purpose of this foundation is provide food-, clothes and basic medical care to poor people in Romania.Visit: www.romsite.nl and support this organization.